Have finally got around to writing a service to handle my index. It may seem strange it has taken so long to do this but, performance often doesn't take much of effect in my work. As long as the search is performed in a reasonable time there are many many ways to speed this up.
Therefore I have looked into a few different ways to do this, but to utilise as much code as I could I wanted the solution to be witten in C++. I found an incredible library POCO, that was incredibly easy to use. Sadly I am busy working to a deadline at the moment so I don't have enough time to write a full guide to using POCO.
Hopefully after ICPR deadline and getting settled back into being in the UK will write some tutorials on using POCO as well as index structure.
To note my further work on this is a KD-Tree to hype up the performance a bit more.
POCO API Structure
Stuart James …
Assistant Professor in Visual Computing at Durham University. Stuart's research focus is on Visual Reasoning to understand the layout of visual content from Iconography (e.g. Sketches) to 3D Scene understanding and their implications on methods of interaction. He is currently a co-I on the RePAIR EU FET, DCitizens EU Twinning, and BoSS EU Lighthouse. He was a co-I on the MEMEX RIA EU H2020 project coordinated at IIT for increasing social inclusion with Cultural Heritage. Stuart has previously held a Researcher & PostDoc positions at IIT as well as PostDocs at University College London (UCL), and the University of Surrey. Also, at the University of Surrey, Stuart was awarded his PhD on visual information retrieval for sketches. Stuart holds an External Scientist at IIT, Honorary roles UCL and UCL Digital Humanities, and an international collaborator of ITI/LARSyS. He also regularly organises Vision for Art (VISART) workshop and Humanities-orientated tutorials and was Program Chair at British Machine Conference (BMVC) 2021.