Looking at Optical Flow in real scenarios

18 Aug 2012 . category: . Comments

In many scenarios knowing how an object moves between frames is important, for example if you are trying to separate moving objects from the background or to calculate the speed of a tennis ball. Generally within Computer Vision people default to the Lucas Kanade[1] Tracker or the Pyramid expansion, although this tracker is commonly used it is not generally considered to work particularly well in real world scenarios. To help understand a little better I have compared 3 different techniques over a selection of different video types varying in object and quality.

We compare:

  • Lucas-Kanade
  • Brox[2]
  • Sun[3]
  • </ul>

    To note in these experiments we use default settings provided by the implementations, with tweaking you will get better results. Also I am sure there are faster implementations than the matlab ones used. I also realise they are very hard test cases with low quality, lots of noise motion blur.

    Vector Comparison

    Frame 1 Frame 2 LucasKanade Brox Sun
    horse-a horse-b pyrlk_flow horse_brox_flow horse_sun_flow
    dance-a dance-b dance_pyrlk_flow dance_brox_flow dance_sun_flow
    snow3-a snow3-b snowboard_pyrlk_flow snowboard_brox_flow snowboard_sun_flow



      Lucas-Kanade Brox Sun
    Horse (1280x720) 105s 64s 619s
    Dance(400x400) 26s 15s 134s
    Snowboarder(720x576) 30s 28s 294s



    Well as you can see they are inconclusive results, Sun’s approach I would say works better at too higher computational cost LK works well on the dance footage or at least in that specific example, less noisy frames of the dance footage I have found LK performed poorly on. Brox, seems generally not to cope very well in these cases. To conclude, optical flow is still a very very incomplete field, you have to test on your problem to find the best solution.


    [1] Lucas, B., & Kanade, T. (1981). An iterative image registration technique with an application to stereo vision. Proceedings of the 7th international joint … (Vol. 130, pp. 121–129). Retrieved from http://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/pub3/lucas_bruce_d_1981_1/lucas_bruce_d_1981_1.ps.gz

    [2] Brox, T., Bruhn, A., Papenberg, N., & Weickert, J. (2004). High accuracy optical flow estimation based on a theory for warping. Computer Vision-ECCV 2004, 4(May), 25–36. Retrieved from http://www.springerlink.com/index/87a4ckjqm92lp3j9.pdf

    [3] Sun, D., Roth, S., & Black, M. J. (2010). Secrets of optical flow estimation and their principles. 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2432–2439. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2010.5539939


    This evaluation was done by taking openly available code for full references see the download file, that contains readme references in the relevant subfolders. If you have developed your own implementation of one of these methods or an alternative approach it would be great to expand with your results.

    Stuart James  ...

Stuart James

Assistant Professor in Visual Computing at Durham University. Stuart's research focus is on Visual Reasoning to understand the layout of visual content from Iconography (e.g. Sketches) to 3D Scene understanding and their implications on methods of interaction. He is currently a co-I on the RePAIR EU FET, DCitizens EU Twinning, and BoSS EU Lighthouse. He was a co-I on the MEMEX RIA EU H2020 project coordinated at IIT for increasing social inclusion with Cultural Heritage. Stuart has previously held a Researcher & PostDoc positions at IIT as well as PostDocs at University College London (UCL), and the University of Surrey. Also, at the University of Surrey, Stuart was awarded his PhD on visual information retrieval for sketches. Stuart holds an External Scientist at IIT, Honorary roles UCL and UCL Digital Humanities, and an international collaborator of ITI/LARSyS. He also regularly organises Vision for Art (VISART) workshop and Humanities-orientated tutorials and was Program Chair at British Machine Conference (BMVC) 2021.