After installing the preview with all its bells and whistles including Hyper-V for Windows Phone development(I think) I found that I got array of network errors and then the killer VT-x is not available
This is due to the Hyper-V install in VS2013, since only one virtual controller can own the VT-x and Hyper-V is nested into Windows Hyper-V takes ownership and breaks VirtualBox.
So the solution, first you have to disable Hyper-V
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Now if you reboot you should be able to boot up VirtualMachine, now if you are thinking to yourself but what about if I want both, well simple you cant. You either go through this process of turning off and on, or you do what I suggest convert fully to Hyper-V.
This can be done through Disk2VHD so boot up your VirtualBox VM convert it to a VHD and send it on over to Hyper-V simple hey? Oh and if you are like me with fairly chunky VM’s then you will want to archive or delete the old one.
Stuart James …
Assistant Professor in Visual Computing at Durham University. Stuart's research focus is on Visual Reasoning to understand the layout of visual content from Iconography (e.g. Sketches) to 3D Scene understanding and their implications on methods of interaction. He is currently a co-I on the RePAIR EU FET, DCitizens EU Twinning, and BoSS EU Lighthouse. He was a co-I on the MEMEX RIA EU H2020 project coordinated at IIT for increasing social inclusion with Cultural Heritage. Stuart has previously held a Researcher & PostDoc positions at IIT as well as PostDocs at University College London (UCL), and the University of Surrey. Also, at the University of Surrey, Stuart was awarded his PhD on visual information retrieval for sketches. Stuart holds an External Scientist at IIT, Honorary roles UCL and UCL Digital Humanities, and an international collaborator of ITI/LARSyS. He also regularly organises Vision for Art (VISART) workshop and Humanities-orientated tutorials and was Program Chair at British Machine Conference (BMVC) 2021.