Have finally got around to writing a service to handle my index. It may seem strange it has taken so long to do this but, performance often doesn't take much of effect in my work. As long as the search is performed in a reasonable time there are many many ways to speed this up.
Therefore I have looked into a few different ways to do this, but to utilise as much code as I could I wanted the solution to be witten in C++. I found an incredible library POCO, that was incredibly easy to use. Sadly I am busy working to a deadline at the moment so I don't have enough time to write a full guide to using POCO.
Hopefully after ICPR deadline and getting settled back into being in the UK will write some tutorials on using POCO as well as index structure.
To note my further work on this is a KD-Tree to hype up the performance a bit more.
POCO API Structure
Taking inspiration from some work my supervisor did on the Digital Dance Archives website, exploiting a match heat map can help identify matches within a video.
Since I am currently pushing for everything to be done in HTML5, I started thinking about how I could achieve a similar effect utilising the <video> tag. So after googling around came across a blog for creating a custom player that is cross browser compatible. A custom player would allow me to be able to add in the heat map without much difficulty.
Here we go, some quick javascript to load the heat map pumped out of my indexing service. So if you are interesting in customising your own player explore an Opera guide, Building a custom HTML5 video player with CSS3 and jQuery.
Sadly I am currently just prototyping but I hope to get a full system released soon so you can see the full system in action, probably applied to generic key frame video retrieval.
The release date for Diablo 3 is nore confirmed as 15th May. I remember playing this as a kid so is nice to see another game I loved coming together for a sequal.
I am currently on a mini-internship for 4 weeks in INESC-ID in Lisbon, Portugal. I have now been here a few nights and have yesterday moved into the IST student accommodation. I have done some exploring so thought would put a few photo's up.